Your Sex Drive Based on your Zodiac Sign

Some of us wait for their daily horoscope to start their day, others agree that same signs have same characters (that’s me). It has never been perfect science. If you want my opinion, I don’t believe that Zodiac signs reveal what the future hides for us; no one can predict what will happen tomorrow. But I’m quite sure, following my daily experience with people, that your Zodiac sign says a lot about your character. Whoever tries to convince you that same Zodiac sign individuals are not alike has no idea what he’s talking about. Nobody is exactly the same as the other, but same Zodiac signs have similar characteristics. By the way, same signs differ between sexes. A woman Pisces is different from a man Pisces. They have their similarities, but they also have their differences.
The following is what I concluded from my experience with same Zodiac signs. I also gathered information about interesting facts for each sign.

Element: Fire
Attitude: Positive
Frequently. Dominant. You love seducing. You prefer leading. You like hookups without further attachments.
You’re the energetic type of person, good for you, but you are not exceptional! We’re all weak at some point. And Aries men, you don’t rest until you get what you want, you think you’re discrete about cupcaking! You’re kidding right? You have a good heart, but I don’t think this can be an excuse for your “political manners” if you know what I mean!
ARIES WOMAN: Don’t trigger my temper
Your Qualities:
What a Straight-forward woman Aries is.
You are Friendly, too many acquaintances, but few are those who you’re yourself around.
Energetic, your body engine never sleeps.
Self dependent, tough, you take care of everything yourself. In other words, your partner is just an accessory at home.
Smart, trust-worthy, you can trust her with your darkest secrets.
Loyal, full of passion, you are indeed devoted to your partner and a very good mother.
Dominant, you’re a leader.
You’re charming, beautiful, you attract without even knowing.
Because of your persistence and power, you’re a Sex bomb.
With all your qualities, you’re definitely a keeper.
Your Flaws:
Because you’re honest, your words can be as sharp as a knife.
No sugar coating to your words rends you Harsh.
Stubborn, you’re a strong-willed woman. So people, don’t try to stand in her way, she will hit you with her horns.
You’re impulsive, impatient, whatever you want, you must have it, and right away.
You live in denial.
Moody, now you’re calm, the next minute you’re fighting your own shadow.
Irritable, you get easily triggered by the smallest things, and you have no problem showing it loud and clear.
You’re aggressive, selfish, you step over your feelings and move on whenever your mind is fixed on something.
Controlling, you’re the to do-it-all-yourself kind of woman. You hate when things don’t go according to your plans.
You can be jealous at times, you can’t take criticism lightly.
Unpredictable you can be.
Compatible with:
Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries
Aries Women Celebrities:
Lady Gaga, Reese Witherspoon (This Means War), Sarah Jessica Parker (Sex and the city), Keira Knightley (Pride and Prejudice), Leslie Mann (The Other Woman), Kate Hudson (How to Loose and Guy in Ten Days), Diana Ross, Fergie, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Cynthia Nixon (Sex and the City), Saoirse Ronan (Little Women), Emma Thompson (Nanny McPhee), Emma Watson (Harry Potter), Jennifer Garner (Pearl Harbor), Ashley Judd (Someone like You).
ARIES MAN: I’m a Warrior
Your Qualities:
Enthusiastic, you live life excitingly
Passionate to knowledge
Warrior for his love of hard work.
Easy to get along with, very friendly, sociable, loveable and have a strong charismatic influence.
Inspiring and motivating, very helpful.
You are very spontaneous, you turn life into a party.
You are sweet and good-hearted.
You surely love the unpredictable.
You are fit, you care about your appearance and physique, this is why we always find you at the gym.
Your flaws:
You seek attention, stubborn and hard headed, you get easily mislead.
You are the master of procrastination.
You love with your heart, but you believe that loyalty lies in the act of loving only, so small affairs are your thing.
You loose self control at times. Even if you know that buying a car will drown you in debts, you do it anyway.
At times, you lack reason.
Let’s not forget, you’re somehow arrogant.
You show people you’re self confident, but deep down, you feel insecure. This is proved by your super jealousy.
Least Compatible with:
Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn.
Aries Men Celebrities:
Quentin Tarentino, Matthew Broderick (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off), Elton John, Eddie Murphy (Coming to America), Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Paul Rudd (Ant Man), Seth Rogan (Knocked up), Martin Lawrence (Bad Boys).
How to attract an Aries man:
1- You should be daring, not shy. A hard worker to achieve your goals. Tough, fun to be around, love parties and sports, free spirited and adventurous.
2- You should speak your mind, but at the same time, respect his opinion. You should love surprises as he is very good at that. Although he loves surprising you, you shouldn’t throw him surprises, he doesn’t care about that much.
3- You have to be mysterious, unique and hard to get. He loves challenge, so don’t be too easy for him.
4- You should be the kind of woman who knows what she wants, smart and independent, he will always support you. But don’t count on him to cuddle you in your hard times, he has no patience for that.
5- You must be an intellectual woman. You must be sharp and always have the correct answer. Try not to be too cocky.
6- Don’t be lazy, he is always watching their physique, so you have to catch up with him.
7- Don’t try to lie to him, he will feel under estimated and he hates it. Be upfront and honest with him.

Element: Earth
Attitude: Negative
All weekend. Submissive. Sensual, you like all kinds of pleasures, bubble baths, essential oils, scented candles and classical music.
You’re stubborn, yes, a bull-headed person. It’s healthy to listen to others’ advice from time to time. Taurus woman, we all have our problems and would love to talk about it, it’s not just about you, so try to lend us your ears for a while.
And Taurus men, you work hard, you’ve been burning the candles from both ends; in case you don’t know yet, life is full of super duper! And by the way, when you’re home with your partner, there are no restrictions to talking, so talk! Frankly, I wonder who’s your partner!
TAURUS WOMAN: I’m loving, but don’t bullshit me
Your Qualities:
You’re Calm.
Materialistic, you love luxury, and money is also important for your self security.
Very Organized.
You have an artistic side.
You savagely protect the ones you love. You have a point of view, you fight for it.
You’re ambitious, you work hard to achieve your goals.
You’re extremely dependable. You’re always there for your friends.
Most times, you’re faithful and honest.
You’re a good lover.
Your flaws:
You’re stubborn, and this is your worst trait, no one can argue about that.
You disrespect people who don’t go along with your beliefs.
You’re over protective.
Sometimes you’re insecure.
You’re scared of commitment.
You don’t like being “casual”.
Compatible with:
Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Taurus.
Taurus Women Celebrities:
Megan Fox, Michelle Pfeiffer (Dark Shadows), Penelope Cruz (Vanilla Sky), Tina Fey (Date Night), Cate Blanchett (Where’d You Go Bernadette), Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman), Adele, Cher, Uma Thurman (Kill Bill), Barbra Streisand, Kirsten Dunst (Little Women), Renee Zellweger (Bridget Jones’s Diary), Kelly Clarkson, Jessica Alba (Sin City), Carmen Electra (Baywatch).
TAURUS MAN: Don’t expect me to be emotional
Your Qualities:
You’re determined, patient, ambitious and practical.
You love luxury and appreciate the beauty of it.
You’re strong, yet predictable.
You’re caring, warm and a loving person.
Your friends depend on you in hard times.
You have an independent character.
You’re sensitive, protective, generous and loyal to everyone you care about in your life.
Your Flaws:
Materialistic, you love indulging yourself with luxury life; a self-indulgent person.
You’re so stubborn.
Lazy, you can spend your time off eating and sleeping.
You can’t be friends with just anyone.
Jealous, you wish you can have others’ success.
You’re Greedy over wealth.
Selfish, you tend to leave anyone behind for the sake of your goals.
Possessive, it’s hidden in you.
Least Compatible with:
Leo, Aquarius.
Taurus Men Celebrities:
Georges Clooney (Up in the Air), David Beckham, Billy Joel, Dwayne Johnson (The Rock – Baywatch), Henry Cavill (Batman vs Superman), Rami Malek (Bohemian Rhapsody), Jet Li (The Mummy), Chris Brown, Enrique Iglesias, Jack Nicholson (The Shining), Pierce Brosnan (007), James McAvoy (X-Men), Stevie Wonder, Bono, Al Pacino (The Godfather).
How to attract a Taurus man:
1- You have to be strong, confident and realistic.
2- You have to have the classic feminine beauty.
3- You have to smell nice, yes, Taurus men love the fragrance of a woman.
4- Take the lead. It’s fine if you make the first move on your date.
5- You have to be calm, cool, and practical in life.

Element: Water
Attitude: Positive
All the time, or sometimes, depends on which twin is in control. Submissive. Your sex drives fluctuate, hard to understand. When your mind is busy with other issues, you can stay for weeks without it. But if you have the perfect match, you can go on every day.
You’re an intelligent person. You’re a pantomath, you know people’s intentions just by looking at them. Well, sometimes you’re WRONG! Gemini woman, stop expecting too much from too little, you’re sketchy.
And Gemini men, you’re a good blabber which makes you fun to be around. Because you have a twin character, you have both testosterone and estrogen, that’s why everyone likes you. Come to think of it, are you bi?
GEMINI WOMAN: Thinking is my motto
Your Qualities:
There’s a twin character inside you.
Conversationalist and Smart, you’re a chatterbox starting from daily news and ending with your philosophical point of view. You have a talent of leading a conversation.
Exciting and unpredictable, given that you have a dual nature.
Fun, energetic and risky to the point of being dangerous as you have that curious nature.
Youthful and charming you are.
Curious, you enjoy exploring and learning
You can loose interest very quickly.
You’re funny, people love your company.
Passionate, you have a sweet heart.
Extremely Loyal to your partner.
Generous, you don’t care about material.
Your Flaws:
Indecisive, very bad in decision making.
You prefer putting that load on someone else.
Uncertain, you’re restless and hate routine.
Double faced, you have a double personality, at times you’re the fun person who loves life, at other times you’re afraid to reveal your true feelings.
Anxious, when you worry, you give your companion a hard time.
Overcritical, since you think you are the smartest , it annoys others when you judge almost everything.
You always contradict yourself due to your twin soul.
Compatible with:
Aquarius, Leo, Libra, Aries
Gemini Women Celebrities:
Ginnifer Goodwin (Something Borrowed), Naomi Campbell, Octavia Spencer (The Help), Helena Bonham Carter (Great Expectations), Brooke Shields (Blue Lagoon), Amy Schumer (I Feel Pretty), Alanis Morissette, Angelina Jolie (Maleficent), Natalie Portman (No Strings Attached), Courteney Cox (Friends), Zoe Saldana (Guardians of the Galaxy), Nicole Kidman (Australia), Marilyn Monroe.
GEMINI MAN: Adventurous as long as it’s mentally stimulating
Your Qualities:
Charming, people can’t resist your sex appeal.
Clever, Funny, everyone laughs at your cute jokes.
Very friendly and talkative, you love knowing more and pass it along.
Energetic, you can’t stay in one place for a long time.
Adventurous, you love trying the unknown.
Curious, you can’t let anything pass under your nose.
Loyal, you don’t like to change partners when you get used to one, you put an effort in this relationship.
Your sexual imagination goes beyond logic.
Hardworking, you can be easily considered a workaholic.
Your Flaws:
Moody, wow how much you can be moody
Judgmental, you judge everything your eyes see.
Paranoia, you build a story in your head for any event passing in your life and believe it.
Quick tempered, you get easily triggered.
Gossiper, you love gossiping to the extent that you might cause trouble between people.
You hold a grudge, you think you forgive, but you’re wrong!
Indecisive and inconsistent, you can’t take a decision.
It takes you time to eliminate someone from your life, but when you do, nothing can change your mind.
You’re very Selfish at times.
Although you’re loyal, you’re definitely flirty, you have no problem using your womanizing skills on the ladies. Flirting for you is a natural phenomena because you trust yourself… at least this is what you make us believe.
Least Compatible with:
Virgo, Pisces
Gemini Men Celebrities:
Prince, Karl Urban (Lord of the Rings), Tom Holland (Spiderman), Johnny Depp (Pirates of the Carribean), Clint Eastwood (The Mule), Liam Neeson (Taken), Chris Evans (Captain America), Mark Walhberg (Instant Family) , Jason Isaacs (Harry Potter), John Goodman (10 Cloverland Lane), Jake Johnson (New Girl), Colin Farrell (Total Recall), Morgan Freeman (Lucy), Micheal J. Fox (Back to the Future), Josh Lucas (Sweet Home Alabama), Justin Long (He’s Just not that into You), Peter Dinklage (The Boss), Mike Myers (Austin Powers), Tim Allen (Toy Story), Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother), Gene Wilder (Woman in Red).
How to attract a Gemini man:
1- Don’t show him you need him
2- You shouldn’t be high maintenance and needy
3- You should be self-dependent and take care of yourself
4- He hates rescuing you all the time.
5- You shouldn’t be the jealous type, he likes to have his own time
6- You should have a certain intellectual standard, he appreciates smart women
7- He likes you flirty and a sex bomb, always ready for him, anytime, anywhere.

Element: Water
Attitude: Negative
Submissive. With the right partner, every night. You’re a physical giver, you obey anytime. You can go on without it if you lack trust. It can always wait, no problem for you.
You’re a good friend, sympathetic, you put others before yourself. Are you crazy? Why would you do that? And that’s why people manipulate you. Cancer woman, you overthink things out. Stop taking things too personal.
Cancer men, you’re emotional and helpful. If someone makes a mistake there’s always a second chance. Don’t just throw him to the lions. This is why most people in prison are Cancer.
Your Qualities:
Caring, when you love, you care to the bones.
Emotional, you’re full of a mixture of feelings, your tear is weak.
Romantic, your heart is big enough to love the whole world.
Artistic and creative, your diversified feelings have to show somewhere.
Mysterious and Gentle.
Loyal to your family and the ones you consider true friends.
Protective, you’re a great mother.
Intelligent, you can know who’s being true to you and who’s not.
Secretive, they are a deep well to all your secrets.
Hardworking and ambitious, you don’t lay your head to relax before achieving your goal.
Perfectionist, your work is impeccable.
In bed, you’re sensually romantic, no kinky pinky stuff.
Your Flaws:
Dramatic, you’re the queen of the “drama queen”, and this gives your surroundings a hard time dealing with you.
Superstitious, you believe life sends you signals.
Controlling, as you’re a perfectionist.
Sensitive, your emotions take hold of you.
Moody when your feelings control you.
Precautious, you don’t easily trust people.
Once you get hurt, you can never forgive.
Extremely possessive, manipulative when you lose someone you love.
Compatible with:
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus
Cancer Women Celebrities:
Meryl Streep (Mama Mia), Kirsten Bell (When in Rome) , Selena Gomez (Getaway) , Lindsay Lohan (Mean Girls), Sofia Vergara (Hot Pursuit), Margot Robbie (The Legend of Tarzan), Pamela Anderson (Baywatch), Ariana Grande, Lana Del Rey, Liv Tyler (Jersey Girl), Sandra Oh (Catfight), Cindi Lauper, Priyanka Chopra (Baywatch), Olivia Munn (love Wedding Repeat)
CANCER MAN: Don’t hurt me I’ll ignore you for life
Your Qualities:
Caring, compassionate, emotional, protective, charming, values trust, loyal, intuitive.
Well-balanced. Over Sensitive.
Considerate, soft to those you love. Your family comes first.
Your Flaws:
Easily hurt, never forgets, you hold the grudge and suddenly become distant.
Once hurt and your trust is broken, you become secretive.
Very moody, your feelings take hold of your actions.
Jealous, apparently you can be jealous and possessive.
You have the inferiority complex, you don’t know your true self.
you don’t accept the slight criticism.
Manipulative, selfish.
Least Compatible with:
Aries, Libra
Cancer Men Celebrities:
Tobey Maguire (Spiderman), Ben Stiller (Meet The Fockers), Paul Walker (Fast & Furious), David Beckham) Ryan Reynolds (The Proposal), Channing Tatum (White House Down), Liam Hemsworth (Independence Day), Robert Pattinson (Twilight).
How to attract a Cancer man:
1- Be friends with him
2- Be prepared to make the first step
3- Be direct with him and tell him what you exactly want
4- Go slow, Cancer men are scared when things are rushed
5- Usually, he likes his stomach, so try to impress him with your cooking skills
6- Be good to his family, you will win his heart
7- He likes to feel secure, so take care of yourself and be successful at work
8- Give him some freedom and don’t pry into his life

Element: Fire
Attitude: Positive
Once a week. Dominant. You get turned on with a “slave” partner who treats you like the queen of the jungle. If you’re too busy, you can set a weekly goal for sex as long as it doesn’t get in the way of your ambition.
You believe you’re a born leader. Everyone thinks you’re a “divvy”. Leo woman, you’re as cocky as the king of spades, your arrogance drives people away. You think you’re superior from others, well you’re just like everyone else, abracadabra, open your eyes. And above all this, you can’t tolerate direct criticism.
Leo men, you’re confident and living large, I’m sure you were a bully back then. Do you spend most of your time kissing yourself in the mirror?
LEO WOMAN: I want, so I will
Your Qualities:
Leader for your dominant personality, as you’re represented by the Lion.
Confident, lovable, and loyal.
You can be outgoing, you love people.
Optimistic, energetic and adventurous.
Your Flaws:
You hold a grudge once hurt. You don’t forgive easily. You give hell moments to your enemies (might be your partner or a close friend or family member).
Bold, you think big, but act straight to the point.
You have a demanding behavior, you’re a spoiled brat, your fragile ego plays a big role at that.
Arrogant, you want to be the center of attention.
Dramatic, expressive, you have no problem expressing your feelings, you hate getting hurt.
Hot tempered, your words are hurtful once you’re triggered.
You can be ungrateful.
You have a stubborn head.
Compatible with:
Aries, Gemini, Aquarius
Leo Women Celebrities:
Madonna, Jennifer Lopez (The Wedding Planner), Halle Berry (Catwoman), Maya Rudolph (Bridesmaids), Meghan Markle (Suits), Charlize Theron (Mad Max), Kate Beckinsale (Underworld), Kristen Wiig (Bridesmaids), Hilary Swank (PS. I Love You), Lisa Kudrow (Friends), Jennifer Lawrence (Hunger Games), Sandra Bullock (Miss Congeniality), Mila Kunis (Friends with Benefits), Anna Kendrick (Simple Favor), Debra Messing (The Wedding Date)
LEO MAN: Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the greatest of them all
Your Qualities:
Charismatic, you have charm.
Confident and extravagant, you tend to put effort to show this.
Courageous, you trust your capabilities, you dive into anything, you take risks.
Innovative, you always come up with new ideas.
Excellent leader.
You’re witty, smart and fear nothing that comes your way.
Grateful for what people do for you.
Your Flaws:
Dominant, some consider it a negative trait.
Possessive, you’re jealous and possessive.
Egoistic, your ego comes first.
Self-centered, you come first, then the whole world comes after.
Impatient, if you want something, you want it NOW.
Least Compatible with:
Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces
Leo Men Celebrities:
Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Terry Crews (White Chicks), Shawn Mendes, Laurence Fishburn (The Matrix), Mig Jagger, Dustin Hoffman (Rain man), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Steve Martin (Father of the Bride), Ben Affleck (Gone Girl), Steve Carell (The 40-year-old Virgin), Robert De Niro (The Irishman), Jason Momoa (Aquaman)
How to attract a Leo man:
1- Let him take the lead, remember, he’s dominant
2- Show him lots and lots of affection
3- Appreciate him, show him how interested you are in his company, be happy with his presence.
4- Make him jealous, just a little bit, he likes competition.
5- Impress his surroundings with your looks, this will make him proud
6- Keep the challenge going, play hard to get, don’t be too easy.

Element: Earth
Attitude: Negative
Twice a week. Submissive. There’s a freak inside you, but it takes time to find the partner who will unleash it. But since your life is all about planning, you try to plan for it.
Your motto is being logical. You analyze everything around you. This sickens your friends. you’re sentimental but practical. You’re phlegmatic, you might fall asleep during a sex act.
VIRGO WOMAN: The Classical Overthinker
Your Qualities:
Great communicator, analytical, kind, understanding, you are known to be “the Analyzer“.
You like routine life, your planner and organized lists are your buddies.
You’re sentimental, you hold on to precious childhood memories.
Your friends rely on your advice as you are a true friend.
You always want your loved ones to be happy.
Your flaws:
Since you are a perfectionist, you can sometimes be annoying for holding on to your slightest details.
Even if no one asked you for help, you improvise and this might seem intimidating to others.
Your eagle eye on others’ flaws leads you to criticism, jeopardizing your relationships.
Compatible with:
Virgo, Taurus
Virgo Women Celebrities:
Blake Lively (Simple Favor), Melissa McCarthy (The Heat), Shania Twain, Cameron Diaz (Knight and Day), Salma Hayek (Desperado), Beyoncé, Michelle Williams (Marilyn), Alexis Bledel (Gilmore Girls), Jada Pinkett Smith (Girls Trip).
VIRGO MAN: Reason comes first
Your Qualities:
Hard worker, you always deliver perfect work.
You are gentle and kind, practical in life and you hold on to your tasks.
You have the gift of analyzing people.
Truthful and loyal to your loved ones … until they are not loved anymore.
You keep your emotions aside and use your reasoning in decision making.
You’re delighted to help people whenever they ask for it.
Your Flaws:
Because you highly believe in perfection, you can be annoying, overly critical and rude.
You’re stubborn, you seek your task till the end.
You can be traditional, although your argument is logical.
Least Compatible with:
Gemini, Sagittarius
Virgo Men Celebrities:
Alexander Skarsgard (Big Little Lies), Chris Pine (This Means War), Jack Black (Jumanji), Armie Hammer (Mirror Mirror), Richard Gere (Pretty Woman), Keanu Reeves (John Wick), Idris Elba (The Dark Tower), Adam Sandler (Click), Michael Bublé, Colin Firth (Nanny McPhee), Ryan Phillippe (Cruel Intentions), Tom Hardy (Venom), Jimmy Fallon.
How to attract a Virgo man:
1- Take his opinion, ask his advice.
2- Try to show your inner beauty. Your appearance must be neat and synchronized. He doesn’t like you trendy and fashionable.
3- He hates to be rushed, he prefers baby steps, so take it easy on him
4- He likes attention. Take good care of his likes and dislikes and appreciate it
5- Show him your honesty, be straightforward
6- Keep your feet on the floor, be realistic. He doesn’t like artificial, he prefers depth.
7- Be punctual. This is part of your respect for him.
8- He’s not the shoulder to cry on, so don’t go throwing your emotional rubbish on him.
9- Cook him a good meal at home, he prefers it over a popular restaurant.
10- Try to be as organized as you can
11- Be supportive and encouraging, he can be insecure at times.
12- Let HIM make the first step. He needs to make sure about you before approaching you.

Element: Air
Attitude: Positive
Not casually, only if you have time. Submissive. You have more priorities. You keep your drives inside the bedroom, and you need the right person to demonstrate love and dedication.
You’re the romantic and dreamy type, you have a hard time understanding reality. Libra woman, wake up, charming prince on a white horse exists only in fairy tales. And don’t give others the cold shoulder when you’re trying to ignore people, it doesn’t suit you.
Libra men, you’re a closed book, rarely do you share your worries. You’re going to blow up anytime now, so open up to people. Don’t be scared. You have a creative mind because you have a feminine side. Most make up artists are Libra.
LIBRA WOMAN: I’m the madness of Love
Your Qualities:
Intelligent, kind, you aim to balance your life and the life of your loved ones, fabulous, confident.
Discrete, you tend to keep your private life to yourself, only close friends know about it.
You have such a sweet soul, compassionate, have a perfectly good heart.
You are friendly and outgoing, a great supportive friend who’s always there when needed. You even put them before yourself.
Loyal to your partner, you love serious relationships, whether it was your partner or your best friend, and a great mother.
You’re sensual and romantic.
You’re a good observant.
Diplomatic, you tend to listen, you’re a great listener.
You have so much appreciation to those who treat you nice.
A good conversationalist, people enjoy listening to you.
And no doubt you’re a responsible person.
Your Flaws:
You can’t be pressured, so take it easy on her, step by step.
You’re Stubborn, yes you are.
Cautious, you can be superficial.
It’s true that you’re sociable, but when you try hard, it gets messy.
If someone doesn’t appreciate you, you ignore them totally, Mrs. ice queen.
You can be indecisive at times.
You’re dependent, you prefer staying away from serious decisions.
In your nature, you don’t confront others.
Compatible with:
Aries, Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius
Libra Women Celebrities:
Cardi B, Bella Hadid, Kim Kardashian, Gwyneth Paltrow (Iron Man), Kate Winslet (Titanic), Dakota Johnson (Fifty Shades of Grey), Brie Larson (Captain Marvel), Gwen Stefani, Nia Vardalos (My Big Fat Greek Wedding), Catherine Zeta Jones (Zoro), Naomi Watts (The Impossible), Julie Andrews (The Tooth Fairy), Susan Sarandon (Thelma & Louise).
LIBRA MAN: The Gentle and calm energy
Your Qualities:
You take your time in making a decision, you want it to be the right one.
You get along with anyone.
You’re considered sophisticated and courteous.
You’re Sensitive. Emotionally, you’re balanced, that’s what your sign is all about anyway.
You’re a pleaser, you like to see everyone happy.
You listen patiently to others.
Clever, you’re a long relationship material.
You’re charming, don’t forget that.
Your Flaws:
You’re indecisive, don’t have the guts to take a quick decision.
Unreliable, you leave anytime when you find something better.
Narcissist, sometimes you want the world to turn around you.
You can be lazy physically and mentally at times.
You feel you’re being held hostage when someone tries to tie you down, that makes it hard for you to commit.
You might be unrealistic.
You can be high maintenance, you enjoy the luxurious life.
Least Compatible with:
Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn
Libra Men Celebrities:
Will Smith (Bad Boys), Snoop Dogg, John Krasinski (Quiet Place), Zac Efron (17 Again), Bruno Mars, Usher, Hugh Jackman (X-Men), Anthony Mackie (Captain America), Micheal Douglas (Antman), Zach Galifanakas (Hangover), Simon Cowell, Matt Damon (Bourne), Eminem.
How to attract a Libra man:
1- Don’t waste time to win your Libra man, he won’t always be around
2- Don’t gossip, he doesn’t like it
3- Don’t be a drama queen, stay away from being aggressive, unless you want to drive him away
4- Libra men love beauty, so take good care of your appearance, you’ll attract his attention
5- Be sociable, he likes to see you socializing like him
6- Be romantic, surprise him with romantic scenarios, and accept openly the passionate gestures towards you.

Element: Water
Attitude: Negative
All the time. Dominant. Highly selective, you dream of never leaving your bedroom and even forgetting about weekends. You’re interested in sex round the clock.
You’re the worst of the whole bundle. You’re ambitious and have a leader personality, you step on others to reach your goals, you fly-by-night (you can’t be trusted). You surely achieve your goals because you lack ethics. When you attack, you can be deadly. Scorpios can be murderers.
SCORPIO WOMAN: Beware! I am poisonous
Your Qualities:
Ambitious, exciting, and open for any adventure.
You’re loyal to the extreme and you expect no less from our partner.
Protective over your belongings including your loved ones.
A total leader, no one can suggest for you what path to take in life.
You surely know what you want, and you will not stop until you get it.
You can be passionate, strong and independent.
You’re ambitious and thrive to achieve.
Your Flaws:
Dominant (some like it and need it), once committed, you own people.
You can be dangerous when you’re in rage.
You can be weak, cold and dependent.
You’re intensely discrete.
You can be aggressive and manipulative when you’re triggered.
You undermine the person who sets your temper on fire at and wipe the floor with them.
And by the way, you get angry so easily.
Not to forget, you’re the jealous type!
Compatible with:
Pisces, Capricorn, Cancer
Scorpio Women Celebrities:
Katy Perry, Rita Wilson (Sleepless in Seattle), Kelly Osbourne, Julia Roberts (Pretty Woman), Winona Ryder (The Age Of Innocence), Tilda Swinton (Narnia), Emma Stone (Lala Land), Demi Moore (Indecent Proposal), Anne Hathaway (The Devil Wears Prada), Whoopi Goldberg (Ghost), Shailene Woodley (Divergent), Rachel McAdams (About Time), Jodie Foster (Panic Room), Meg Ryan (You’ve Got Mail), Goldie Hawn (Snatched)
SCORPIO MAN: Don’t test me with dishonesty
Your Qualities:
You’e very observant of your environment, intelligent and intellectual.
You’re loyal to the ones you care about, passionate and courageous.
Even if you’re emotional, you’re determined.
You are competitive, you like challenge.
Your sexual drives are high.
Your Flaws:
You’re always cautious.
Extremely Jealous, hard for you to forgive and forget.
You have no discipline, you have the tendency to spoil yourself, and this might threaten your financial situation and affect those living with you.
When it comes to love, you take it so seriously, you can’t pretend to love someone you don’t.
Your sting can cut someone in two if you faced betrayal.
Although you’re loyal, you’re a womanizer, flirting is your thing. Let’s say you like relations with no strings attached.
You’re selfish!
Least Compatible with:
Leo, Aquarius
Scorpio Men Celebrities:
Ryan Reynolds (The Proposal), Drake, Bill Gates, Joaquin Pheonix (Her), David Schwimmer (Friends), Matthew McConaughey (Interstellar), Leonardo DiCaprio (The Wolf of Wallstreet), Ryan Gosling (The Notebook), Jimmy Kimmel, Danny DeVito (Twin), Owen Wilson (Wedding Crashers).
How to attract a Scorpio man:
1- You should be the passionate kind, he loves it
2- A Scorpio man has a bad side. You’d better understand his characteristics to attract him
3- Take it slow, don’t rush things. He likes to take his time to study you well to make the right decision
4- He likes ambitious women. Show him you’re one
5- You must give him some space, respect his privacy. If you’re the possessive type, then forget it
6- Keep a little mystery about yourself for him to unveil.
7- Be sexy, like all the time. I know it’s not easy, but don’t you want to win him?

ATTITUDE: Positive
All the time or rarely. Dominant. It’s not a necessity in your daily life. If you find a compatible partner, the act is amazing. You’re casual in the bedroom. A one-night stand is an option.
You have a positive spirit. You’re helpful, but nobody needs to know about it. You’re sociable and funny, sometimes people hate your criticism. You can’t be taken advantage of, and when you feel threatened, you strike with a cold blood. This reminds me of a horror movie.
SAGITTARIUS WOMAN: What you see is what you get
Your Qualities:
You surely have a personality made of stone, tough, smart.
When you love, you give all yourself.
When you’re around, the place is loud, all are gathered around you waiting to hear what you have to say.
You enjoy traveling, you love life and prefer living it loudly.
You love freedom, you have an independent soul.
You’re honest, straight to the point.
You have a good heart, but if someone hurts you, you destroy their life.
A hard worker, you’re a good leader.
You’re generous and kind (until further notice).
You help from the bottom of your heart those who request your help.
You love to stay up to date, always longing for more knowledge.
Your self-confidence is so high that it frightens some of your surroundings.
Your Flaws:
You can’t hide your feelings. You might seem a cutthroat person.
Because you’re honest, some might be intimidated by your honesty.
You might also hurt people with your straight forward jokes without noticing.
You like to be the center of attention. If anyone tries to show off with you, you break their wings in seconds.
Sometimes you intrude and pry by giving your advice even if you weren’t asked for it.
Although you love learning, you can’t stop yourself from interrupting others especially if their point of view is different from your own, so people will find you flashy.
You see yourself superior over others.
Compatible with:
Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius
Sagittarius Women Celebrities:
Jamie Lee Curtis (Halloween), Miley Cyrus, Christina Applegate (Dead to Me), Tina Turner, Anna Faris (Scary Movie), Bette Midler (First Wives), Lucy Liu (Charlie’s Angels), Britney Spears, Amanda Seyfried (Letters to Juliet), Julianne Moore (Still Alice), Nicki Minaj, Judi Dench (James Bond 007), Hailee Steinfeld (The Edge of Seventeen), Regina Hall (Girls Trip), Taylor Swift, Vanessa Hudgens (The Princess Switch), Christina Aguilera, Jane Fonda (Book Club)
SAGITTARIUS MAN: I hurt you deep if you anger me
Your Qualities:
Adventurous, curious, You love scouting new things.
You love to travel and meet new people.
Knowledge feeds your curiosity.
You have a good heart.
You’re enthusiastic, ambitious, emotional in serious moments (only), generous and dreamy.
Family comes first.
You’re sociable, people gather around to hear what you have.
Your friends await your sense of humor and your optimism.
Whenever someone is in need , you run for help.
Your flaws:
Often, you’re impatient.
Since you get easily bored, you become inconsistent.
You take fast decisions which you might regret later.
It’s not healthy to be over-confident and think you’re always right; this might frustrate your surroundings.
It’s true that you’re sometimes emotional, but you’re mostly cold due to your practical nature. You decisions always come from the mind and not from the heart.
When you’re angry, you’re the most hurtful creature.
Least Compatible with:
Virgo, Pisces
Sagittarius Men Celebrities:
Ben Stiller (Zoolander), Jay-Z, Jeff Bridges (Hell or High Water), Jamie Foxx (Collateral), Brad Pitt (Inglorious Bastards), Steven Spielberg, Jake Gyllenhaal (Prisoners), Jonah Hill (21 Jump Street), Samuel L. Jackson (The Hitman’s Bodyguard), Kiefer Sutherland (Renegades)
How to attract a Sagittarius man:
1- Show him how optimistic you are
2- Appreciate his presence, show him how good he’s making you feel
3- Show him you have a big heart
4- He likes mysterious women, be one
5- You must be a daring person, show him that side
6- He likes honesty, so be honest and transparent to him
7- Show him you respect his opinion, ask for his advice

ATTITUDE: Negative
Very little during work time, a lot when you’re free. Dominant. You plan your sex life in detail. You like to be your lover’s “first”. You’re interested in sex, but you find it hard to loosen up and let anybody in.
You don’t like taking risks. You have a yellow streak down your back. You live by the book. You can’t continue living this way, you’re heading towards extinction. You need time to express your feelings, and that’s why Capricorn men marry at an advanced age. You’re stuck with your beliefs, even God of Gods can’t change your unbended mind. You will end up alone.
CAPRICORN WOMAN: I know what I want
Your Qualities:
You have an astonishing personality. Your sense of responsibility is admired.
You’re a born leader, patient, rational, you control the matter even if it’s chaotic.
You’re ambitious, you pursue your goal.
You’re charming, determined, strategic, you’re weirdly emotional and hold on to memories and family traditions. But your decisions come from your mind and not from your heart.
You’re super hyper, love to work and feel productive.
Your Flaws:
You’re the stubborn type, you convince people that you agree to their point of view, but when they turn their back, you stick to your beliefs.
Your motto is no play, all work.
You have an authoritarian character.
Although you’re emotional, you can be unapproachable for your cold heart.
Oh, and if you’re deeply in love, you don’t rush things.
Compatible with: Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio
Capricorn Women Celebrities: Diane Keaton (The Book Club), Kate Middleton, Betty White (The Proposal), Zooey Deschanel (New Girl), Dolly Parton.
CAPRICORN MAN: Family comes first
Your Qualities:
You’re mature and in total control of your decisions. Patient, responsible.
You inspire “trust” to people.
You’re intellectual, motivated, well organized and independent.
Ambitious, you thrive for your goal. This rends you a great leader.
Because you think with your brain and not your heart, you’re practical.
Your family is on top of your list.
Your Flaws:
You’re not good at expressing your true feelings.
Selfish? yes you are, your goals come first.
Rude, since you ignore others’ feelings because you take time to get emotional.
You’re authoritarian, you want things done YOUR way.
Moody, unpredictable, you might find some joke to be funny at times, and at other times, you might get intimidated by it.
You try to convince others that your morals are the right ones, this might annoy some.
You’re the master of sarcasm and satire.
Least Compatible with: Aries, Libra
Capricorn Men Celebrities: Ryan Seacrest, Timothée Chalamet (Call me by my Name), Denzel Washington (Equalizer), John Legend, Dax Sheppard (CHIPs), Bradley Cooper (A Star is Born), Orlando Bloom (Pirates of the Caribbean), Jason Bateman (Horrible Bosses), Jim Carrey (The Mask).
How to attract a Capricorn man:
1- Don’t come onto him harshly. Approach him slowly, he is the shy type
2- If you have a plan, inform him about it ahead of time. He doesn’t appreciate spontaneity
3- Don’t shower him with expensive gifts, this will make him feel uncomfortable
4- He likes the classy and mature type, he hates juvenile gestures
5- If you’re unmotivated and too lazy, then forget it
6- He likes an independent woman, so have a life of your own, don’t worry, he’s already doing the same.
7- You must be reliable, he wants to reply on you, support his dreams
8- You must prove to him that you will be there when he’s back from his hard-working day

ATTITUDE: Positive
Submissive. Once or three times a week, depending on the harmony between you and your partner. You’re no stranger to pleasure. You’re out of this world, special situations arouse you. You seek adventurous sex, you take risks for a fresh relationship. With the right partner, flames arouse, you’re ready to please… and be pleased.
Your imagination is wild and vivid, you always aim for more. You lie utterly and go with it. You make the same mistakes over and over again. Are you missing brain cells?
AQUARIUS WOMAN: Impress me you’ll own me
Your Qualities:
You live in your own world, philosophy is your thing, you’re unique!
The most appealing in you is your eccentric mind.
You’re a good listener and a fine advisor
Good hearted, you easily forgive but never forget.
A loyal friend, romance is your motto; you’re witty, smart, and a total romantic Goddess.
You love travelling and visiting various places.
You feel good when others appreciate you.
You’re funny, charming, and extremely sensitive.
Your happiness lies in keeping yourself surrounded by people, you love socializing and talking, well, you get along with everyone.
When you feel others are enjoying your company, you’re satisfied.
You’re political, ahead of people with your innovative and progressive ideas and thoughts.
You cherish long relationships.
You’re one hell of a dreamer.
When you aim for something, you don’t rest before achieving it.
You always seek to understand and ask for more clarification if things are blurry for you.
Your independence is very important to you.
You live in style.
Last but not least, you love being pampered, and the smart one who will treat you like a queen will win your heart forever.
Your Flaws:
You get bored easily, and when this happens, you have no problem looking for your satisfaction elsewhere even if this jeopardizes your relationships.
Although you love people, you act shy sometimes, and the feeling of insecurity reigns over you.
Jealous to the extent of possessiveness.
You can be unpredictable, which might leave others cautious.
You’re stubborn, yes you are!
Your temper can be bad at times.
When your freedom is taken from you, you loose it and might hurt others with your sharp words.
You’re possessive when it comes to love and work.
Lying is like water when you aim for it.
Compatible with:
Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius
Aquarius Women Celebrities:
Oprah Winfrey, Shakira, Alicia Keys, Ellen DeGeneres, Portia De Rossi, Jennifer Anniston (Friends), Elizabeth Banks (The Hunger Games), Paris Hilton, Emma Roberts (We’re the Millers), Isla Fisher (Now You See Me), Laura Linney (The Truman Show).
AQUARIUS MAN: Beware! I’m captivating, yet confusing
Your Qualities:
You’re a mysterious man, secretive, private about your life.
Charismatic, you easily attract with your charm.
You’re a good listener
You’re witty, intelligent, cautious at times, good hearted.
Your creative ideas rend you a dreamer.
When you have a goal , you try your best to achieve it no matter what might be the consequences.
You’re sociable, love to learn from various circles.
You’re a chameleon, you change colors depending on who you’re with (you become snobbish at times, simple at others).
You’re intellectual, you work hard.
You love travelling, your spirit needs to feel free.
You’re ambitious, always longing for achievements.
You have a good sense of humor.
You love long relationships.
You make a good friend.
Your Flaws:
Even if long relationships are your purpose, you get bored depending on your partner, and this might lead you to use your flirting skills to keep yourself entertained.
Since you always desire personal freedom, this might be a problem to your partner.
Stubborn, no one can change your mind if it’s set on something.
You can’t stop halfway once you have started, sometimes it jeopardizes serious facts in your life. You have ways to lie, but you undoubtedly lie.
Least Compatible With:
Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn
Aquarius Men Celebrities:
Christian Bale (The Dark Knight), Ashton Kutcher (No Strings Attached), John Travolta (Grease), Justin Timberlake, Robbie Williams, Taylor Lautner (Twilight), Tom Selleck (Her Alibi), Michael B. Jordan, Ed Sheeran.
How to attract an Aquarius man:
1- Be his friend, his confident (if you earned his trust, you’ve totally won his heart and mind)
2- Don’t lie to him. He likes honesty although he himself is not honest sometimes.
3- Prove your trust for him.
4- He hates negativity, so stay positive.
5- He likes intelligent conversations, pick profound ones.
6- He loves surprises
7- He waits for your appreciation, so do it all the time
8- Pamper him with words and actions, he live for it
9- Be yourself when you’re with him
10- Don’t try to control him unless he asks for it
1- Be his friend and confident (if he ever trusts you that much, you’re totally in his heart and mind)
2- Don’t lie to him. He likes honesty although he’s not honest himself at times.
3- Prove your trust for him
4- He hates negativity, so stay positive
5- He likes intelligent conversations, pick profound ones
6- He loves surprises
7- He awaits your appreciation, so show it for him all the time
8- Pamper him with words and gestures, he lives for it
9- Be yourself when you’re with him
10- Don’t try to control him unless he asks for it

ATTITUDE: Negative
Several times a week but extremely spiritual, or a cold stunt. Submissive. The bedroom is an open ocean for you. Your sex drive is basically high if you have the right connection. If you lack it, you’re the ice queen of the North Pole.
Your mind thinks beyond. You always feel that the MI6 might be following you. You’re a good-hearted person. People take you for granted so you lack self confidence.
Pisces men, it’s not true that every time a woman says hi she’ll be sending you embedded messages that she wants you in her bedroom! Wake up, don’t let your libido take hold of your common sense!
PISCES WOMAN: I aim for world peace
Your Qualities:
You’re genuine, kind, caring, wise and sociable.
You have a warm heart, you’re an emotional person, you deal with your emotions as well as others’.
You offer your help without asking for anything in return.
Your creativity and intuitive ideas are interesting.
You’re an open-minded person, you encourage new ideas in your life.
You love adventure.
You have a strong sense of right and wrong, they call you a psychic.
You’re an intelligent person who overthinks.
You love throwing surprise parties and you’re so good at it.
Your Flaws:
Since you can’t keep your feelings to yourself, you might come out rude.
Since you’re open-minded, this might get you in trouble since you don’t have limits to your unique ideas.
Wake up from your daydreams Pisces, you can bump into a wall.
You’re not a good listener, you talk about yourself and forget to let others talk although you’re caring when things go wrong.
You’re moody.
You see the glass empty, you’re pessimistic.
And since you’re full of emotions, you’re indecisive.
Flirting is a normal act for you. You’re paranoid… you worry about health issues.
When it comes to pursuing your target, you keep postponing and postponing till the last minute.
Compatible with:
Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn
Pisces Women Celebrities:
Rihanna, Drew Barrymore (50 First Dates), Emily Blunt (The Quiet Place), Kristin Davis (Sex and the City), Dakota Fanning (Uptown Girls), Rebel Wilson (Pitch Perfect), Jessica Biel (Total Recall), Eva Mendez (Hitch), Rachel Weisz (The Mummy), Olivia Wilde (The Change Up), Sharon Stone (Basic Instinct), Eva Longoria (Desperate Housewives), Lauren Graham (Gilmore Girls), Queen Latifah (Last Holiday), Glenn Close (Dangerous Liaisons)
PISCES MAN: I’m a victim
Your Qualities:
Caring, emotional and sensitive, you have a big heart which fits everyone.
You’re helpful, you give without taking.
Because you’re full of emotions, you love romance.
You have a mysterious intuition, you know the real image of people, you’re almost a psychic.
Overly sympathetic, you sacrifice yourself to please others.
You’re loyal to your family.
You can’t stay home, you love socializing.
You have a wide imagination, you’re open for suggestions in the bedroom. Women must be enjoying you in bed.
They say money matters to you, but I say you’re generous.
Your Flaws:
You’re affected by others’ emotions; your mood fluctuates depending on whether people are happy or depressed.
You don’t find it hard to lie, unlike Pisces woman
It’s true you’re loyal to your family, certainly to your kids, you’re flirtatious and can’t help it.
You think of your heart ignoring what your head is saying, so you end up getting deceived.
You can get dominated, women just have to know how to get into you.
Because of your good heart, you can sadly be manipulated and taken advantage of by bossy people.
You’re terribly pessimistic, paranoid… health wise.
You postpone everything till the last minute.
You’re the jealous type, you build stories in your head which can be over realistic.
Oh, and your mood fluctuates.
Least Compatible with:
Gemini, Sagittarius
Pisces Men Celebrities:
Justin Bieber, Daniel Craig (007), Jon Bon Jovi, Shaquille O’Neal, Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad), Kurt Russell (The Ting), Rob Lowe (Austin Powers), Bruce Willis (Die Hard)
How to attract a Pisces man:
1- He likes a unique woman, so play hard to get.
2- He’s creative, so you have to keep new ideas coming
3- You must be emotional like him and react to his feelings
4- He needs to have a friend he trusts whenever he’s in need
5- He’s generous, you should give and help the same way he does
6- He appreciates beauty, so keep up with his standards, he’ll be following you everywhere
7- You have to be understanding. If he’s tired after a long day, show him your empathy
8- He loves his freedom. So forget about him if you’re the jealous type
9- He doesn’t like mind games, so be as straightforward and honest as you can
10- Take care of him, he likes it.

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