I Do
Offensive Things Done at Weddings

Offensive Things Done at Weddings

  • You arrive too early or too late to the wedding

Arriving too early at a wedding distracts the final touch of the vendors leaving the couple stressed.  On the other hand, arriving late and walking in with the bride is not cool.  You must arrive 10 minutes before the specified time.

  • You don’t show up to the wedding without prior cancellation
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When the couple confirm seats, they pay for it prior to the wedding.  Would you like to pay for something you will never use?

  • You get an unannounced plus one with you
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You have the chance to reserve upon confirmation for your plus one, take it. If you’re not sure, arriving at a wedding with an uninvited person can cause chaos at the table and stress for the newlyweds.

  • You dress up like the bridesmaids willingly

If you know the color of the bridesmaids’ dress, don’t try to forcefully join the club.  Keep them exceptional.

  • You don’t follow the dress code
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Coming to the wedding in jeans doesn’t get you off the hook.  And if there were special codes on the invitation like a white dress or a white tie, it’s nice to respect it.  Remember, it’s their day, not yours.

  • You sit in the front row

Unless your place has been assigned there, respect close family members.

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  • You forget to put your phone on silent during the ceremony
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People need to hear the vows and the “I DO”.  Your ringtone isn’t going to help.  Just put it on vibrate or silent, and keep your attention on the happyevent.

  • You forget to confirm your reservation
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On the invitation, the couple insist on your confirmation to keep a place specifically for you.  If they don’t receive it, it will keep them dangled.

  • You become violent at the bouquet tossing
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Ok we all want to get married.  But please, watch out for the foot of the lady next to you, or just don’t ruin others’ hair.  It’s not a basketball match.

  • You get a big present with you to the wedding ceremony
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A kitchenware gift is handy for the newlyweds.  But they don’t need to worry about carrying it. You can send it to their home before or after the marriage ceremony.

  • You forget to get a present
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The couple might not notice if you got a present with you or not.  But it’s polite to get one as an act of appreciation.

  • You buy a gift that’s not on their gift list
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Couples assign a wedding list for a good reason, “these are the things we need, please contribute with us.”  It’s not time to get creative.

  • You refuse to drink from the glass and instead grab a bottle

Having a bottle of beer is fine.  But taking a whole wine bottle for yourself? Not legit.

  • You switch your order at a seated ceremony
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You order chicken then change your mind for meat. You can’t just do that, unless you find out you’re allergic to some ingredient.

  • You take the decorated vase of flowers

These are rented, the florist is taking them back.  You can have the flowers at the end of the ceremony, that’s fine. So please kill this desire and focus on the wedding.  Music is nice, the lighting,…

  • You criticize the quality of food

You can do that once you leave the place.  But as long as you’re there, don’t be rude.  You can simply limit your food intake and share the couple’s special day.

  • You don’t sit at your allocated table
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Choosing the right places for the right persons to mingle is a hard mission.  Don’t put on a scene and start a battle at the wedding by sitting at someone else’s place. 

  • You act bored or annoyed
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Even though the bride is busy celebrating and greeting, she can still sense your irritation or boredom.  You won’t be helping; they worked so hard to get positive results.

  • You brag about your love life
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Weddings usually bring up the breakup memories or the failure of your love life. it’s normal.  But becoming super sentimental is not ok.

  • You don’t give positive feedback to the couple’s efforts

The couple has been working hard to have a nice wedding.  Some positive feedback or some appreciation will make them happy. 

  • You don’t recognize the newlyweds
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They are busy and don’t have time to speak to all the guests, it’s true.  You can approach them quickly and show them your gratitude.  If you couldn’t reach them during the ceremony, it’s nice to congratulate and thank them the next day with a message or an email.

  • You stick to the bride and groom
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Some people try to keep close distance to the newlyweds to feel important.  Well give them some space, they don’t need to feel jailed.

  • You price tag everything at the wedding

From the flowers to the catering and the drinks, it’s not time to play detective, we all know weddings cost a fortune.

  • You give an unsuitable toast
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Wedding toasts should be short and cute.  Save the embarrassing moments you lived with the bride or groom, keep those to the bachelor party.

  • You take your time at the buffet table

If a guest drags his feet while checking every ingredient in every dish, imagine where will the line reach.

  • You start with the buffet minutes before they open it
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It’s incredibly rude to go before others get their plates.  There’s a reason why they open buffets on time, we are all equal. 

  • You fill your plate with food which feed an army

Its an open buffet, we know.  But it’s nice to respect other’s turns and think of other guests when filling your plate.  Just think: where can I fit all this in my stomach?

  • You get drunk

I understand it’s nice to get drunk in a happy event, but getting wasted is not pleasant when you end up hugging the toilet seat or falling asleep on the floor.

  • You disrespect the wedding assistants
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These people are working hard to end up with a flourishing wedding, they need to be respected.  Cut them some slack.

  • You stay on your phone most of the time
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Stop! stay unplugged in happy occasions, live the moment with the new couple.  It’s good to stay connected with your social life; Nevertheless, it’s better if you can focus on getting connected with the people around you.  So ditch it!

  • Your selfies get in the way of the photographer

You can respect the photographer’s space, he’s been hired and heavily paid for.

  • You skip the holy ceremony and attend only the soiree

You come to the holy ceremony to bless the newlyweds.  But you go to their reception to enjoy your time and mingle. I know sometimes you can’t attend the whole event for lack of time, and I know the party is more fun, but if you really care about the couple or you’re close to them, they’d better see you from the beginning.

  • You leave the ceremony too early
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If you’re in your 90s then it’s fair.  But you make the newlyweds feel dumped.  Try to stay as much as you can to appreciate all they’ve been through to please the guests.

  • You leave before they cut the cake

The best moment for the couple is the cake cutting.  At least stay until they cut the cake, it’s fine if you don’t get to taste it.

Enjoy the happy moments.

Were you a witness to such behaviors? Will you give remarks to the committers?

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