Beauty & Happiness
The Meaning of Colors: Best First Date CLOTHES

The Meaning of Colors: Best First Date CLOTHES

Going on a date with a man for the first time? You have a lot to do if you’re willing to get his attention. It takes a big effort to choose the right color for your clothes and your lipstick. The next article will be the meaning of your lipstick color, it’s very interesting to know.

To sum up, I found some interesting facts about the colors that men find more attractive. I bet you’re saying now “of course it’s red”. Well, it IS red, and I’ll tell you the reason for that, besides the meaning of other desired tones. You will also find the colors you should avoid to wear with the new date if you’re aiming to impress him (Impress=seduce, keep).


When you think of red, you immediately link it to love, passion and romance. Red lingerie is the master of Valentine’s romantic night.

It reveals that you are dangerous, daring, courageous and energetic with an active libido.

If you wear RED on your date, you are clearly seeking attention. If you want to seduce your date, dress up in RED. In return, the man will sense the signals you’re sending him.

RED is a stimulant to men. Don’t be surprised if your date started asking you personal and daring questions, and even get physically but discretely closer to you.

RED is a provoking color which no one can resist. so your date will never forget what you wore on your first date.

By wearing RED, I don’t mean a red dress, red shoes, red lipstick and red accessories altogether. Please don’t drown in RED. It’s neither fashionable nor exciting.

If you’re looking for a serious relationship, DON’T wear RED on your first date. You will never be taken seriously.

As for you men, RED is our favorite color, but only if WE wear it, not you! Maybe a red tie with a grey suit? Not bad.

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BLACK is the simplest, yet most classy, luxurious and chic color you can wear for any occasion. A little BLACK stylish dress with elegant black or colored stilettos are the perfect match for a charming first date.

By black, I don’t mean wearing like a Goth (Black clothes, black pantyhose, black shoes, black lipstick…). No no no, forget it!

In addition, the color BLACK makes you look slimmer as some say, and I totally agree, which makes it the most reasonable color to wear on the first date, especially if you’re seeking a long lasting relationship.

Black lingerie is desired by men.

Black can be associated with positivity. But too much black can be the total opposite, giving the impression of boring, dull and negative.

And for you men, wearing black on your first date reveals your self-confidence, and gives security and assurance to your date.

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Wearing white can give either positive or negative vibes when it comes to first dates. Among the positive vibes are innocence, freedom, optimism, neatness, peace, purity, commitment, birth. He will feel you’re organized and professional. Its negative vibes include deception, fearfulness, and corruption of justice.

Too much white can make you look snobby and sterile.

If you’re wearing a simple white dress, break the severity of the color with black or colored shoes and accessories. You wouldn’t want people wondering if you lost your way to your own wedding. If you aim to wear jeans for a casual date, a nice white shirt would be elegant and sexy, let’s not forget the high heels.

Gray is the achromatic color of white, so wearing gray is also advisable.

For you men, for a casual date, a nice jeans with a white shirt would be great. For an elegant one, who doesn’t like a white shirt with everything, it goes well even with shorts. White goes with dark and light skin color.

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If you stare carefully at a rainbow, PURPLE is the most powerful color you first spot. By wearing purple on your first date, you’re trying to show your strength, power, wisdom and royalty.

You’re trying to show your date that you’re wealthy, extravagant, trendy, proud and creative.

You must be a mysterious, independent, sophisticated and magical woman to wear a purple dress.

On the other hand, the Purple you chose to wear shows your emotional, dreamy and sensitive side.

For you men, wear purple to attract your date. It’s a daring yet chic color which gives transmits self-confidence vibes to your date. With a black tie and pants, it looks stylish.

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Among the most popular colors is the BLUE.  It symbolizes the color of the sky and the sea which gives the feeling of peace, tranquility, reliability, confidence, success and loyalty.

Your date will feel comfortable around you, especially with a navy blue dress.

No wonder why the official hospital scrubs are blue. And there’s a reason why it’s the main color of Jeans.

For you men, blue is an ideal color for you, it rends you more attractive. It’s a masculine color. Males seek it. So next time you go on a date, blue is your first choice.

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Are you a flirty girl to wear a pink dress or pink clothes on your first date? Your date sees you an dependent and babyish “woman”. If he’s not marriage material, consider it your first and last date with him.

Choosing pink clothes might mislead your date for taking you having extremist views.

However, more tender shades of pink are preferable as they represent extreme femininity. Your date discovers your tenderness, affection and compassion through your pink clothes. If he’s the romantic type, he must like you for your appreciation of comfort and kindness.

For you men, if you’re seeking a real woman, stay away from pink… I’m serious!

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Being the color of nature, wearing green clothes on your first date gives relaxing and refreshing vibes and provides a good mood for your surrounding.

Both men and women can wear green on their first date to reveal their love of freedom, peace, compassion and soft heart. They like having fun. They are charismatic and care about others’ feelings.

Green color can also imply that you’re financially stable as it is an accessory color. It’s the color of money, remember? You must be generous!

A green dress or a green top with white or black pants or skirt for you girl. A green top with some jeans would be a free casual outfit for you men.

But… Green is the color of … here’s a hint!

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If your parents set you up on a date with that guy you never liked, and you’re aiming to make it the last, you can wear brown. Don’t worry, he himself will not ask you out again, your brown clothes will tell him you’re boring and reminds him of dirt (excuse my language). Being the color of earth, it looks like mud which is filthy.

You can wear BROWN with Camel stilettos… but for work, not on a date. You’re not going to give him a lecture.

Same for you men, do you want to look old-fashioned? If you’re in your thirties, with your brown clothes, your date thinks you’re fifty.

Brown is the color of … fill in the blanks.

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Yellow is the symbol of jealousy. Are you trying to tell your date that you’re the possessive and jealous type? Not everyone appreciates these features in a woman.

Although it’s a casual color and symbolizes the sun thus the energy, sunshine and fire, it’s a daring color. Just avoid it when you’re meeting someone for the first time.

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Orange is too flashy and obnoxious, casual too. No wonder why street cones and traffic lights use orange, prison outfits too. Thinking further, Halloween is spooky… Should I elaborate?

If worn wisely, it may look creative, but don’t risk it.

Men, unless its a light orange tie with a petrol blue jacket, I’ll shout it out loud and say: “FORGET IT!”

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After all, let’s keep in mind that it’s a matter of taste

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